The Titanic Sets Sail on its Maiden Voyage - Lesson Plan
This lesson plan covers the events leading up to the Titanic's maiden voyage, the voyage itself, and the aftermath of the sinking.
History - General
The Titanic Sets Sail on its Maiden Voyage
Lesson Plan
Details of the Lesson
This lesson is designed for a history class and will cover the events leading up to the Titanic's maiden voyage, the voyage itself, and the aftermath of the sinking. The lesson will be approximately 90 minutes long.
Learning Outcomes
- Students will know the history of the Titanic and its significance.
- Students will understand the social and cultural context of the Titanic's maiden voyage.
- Students will be able to analyze primary sources related to the Titanic.
The lesson will be a combination of lecture, discussion, and primary source analysis. Students will be encouraged to participate in class discussion and will work in small groups to analyze primary sources related to the Titanic.
Resources/Materials Required
- Textbook or online resources on the Titanic
- Primary sources related to the Titanic, such as newspaper articles, photographs, and survivor accounts
- Whiteboard or chalkboard and markers/chalk
- Laptop and projector for displaying primary sources
- Introduction (10 minutes): The teacher will introduce the topic of the Titanic and its significance. Students will be asked to share what they already know about the Titanic.
- Lecture (20 minutes): The teacher will provide a brief overview of the events leading up to the Titanic's maiden voyage and the voyage itself.
- Primary Source Analysis (40 minutes): Students will work in small groups to analyze primary sources related to the Titanic. Each group will be given a different primary source to analyze and will be asked to share their findings with the class.
- Discussion (20 minutes): The class will discuss the significance of the Titanic and its impact on society and culture.
Assessment will be based on class participation, group work, and a short written reflection on the significance of the Titanic.
Compliance Standards
This lesson plan complies with the Common Core State Standards for History/Social Studies.