Lesson Plan: The First Modern Olympic Games Close in Athens

This lesson plan teaches students about the history and significance of the first modern Olympic Games.

History - General

Lesson Plan: The First Modern Olympic Games Close in Athens

Lesson Details

Subject: History

Grade Level: 9-12

Duration: 90 minutes

Learning Outcomes

  • Know the history and significance of the first modern Olympic Games
  • Understand the cultural and political context in which the games were held
  • Can analyze primary sources related to the games


This lesson will be taught using a combination of lecture, discussion, and primary source analysis.


  • Primary source documents related to the first modern Olympic Games
  • Projector and screen for lecture and discussion
  • Whiteboard and markers for brainstorming and note-taking


  1. Introduction (10 minutes): The teacher will give a brief lecture on the history and significance of the first modern Olympic Games, including the cultural and political context in which they were held.
  2. Primary Source Analysis (60 minutes): Students will work in small groups to analyze primary source documents related to the games, including newspaper articles, photographs, and personal accounts. They will be asked to identify key themes and draw conclusions about the significance of the games.
  3. Discussion (20 minutes): The class will come together for a whole-group discussion to share their findings and insights from the primary source analysis.


Assessment will be based on participation in the primary source analysis and whole-group discussion, as well as a short written reflection on the significance of the first modern Olympic Games.

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