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Writing - 5th

Exploring the Power of Words: Writing a Persuasive Essay

Title: Exploring the Power of Words: Writing a Persuasive Essay

Compliance: Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts - Writing Standards for Grade 5

Subject: Writing

Summary: This activity will engage fifth-grade students in the process of writing a persuasive essay, helping them develop their writing skills and critical thinking abilities.

Topic: Writing a Persuasive Essay

Learning Outcomes:

  • Know the purpose and structure of a persuasive essay
  • Understand how to use persuasive techniques to support their arguments
  • Can write a persuasive essay with a clear thesis statement, supporting evidence, and a conclusion


This activity will be conducted over several class sessions and will involve a combination of individual and group work. The steps involved in writing a persuasive essay will be explained and demonstrated, and students will have the opportunity to practice each step before completing their final essay.


  • Chart paper and markers
  • Writing notebooks or loose-leaf paper
  • Pens or pencils
  • Access to a computer or tablet for research (optional)


Step 1: Introduction to Persuasive Writing (1 class session)

Begin by discussing the purpose of persuasive writing with your students. Explain that persuasive writing is a type of writing where the author tries to convince the reader to agree with their opinion or take a specific action. Show examples of persuasive writing, such as advertisements or opinion pieces from newspapers or magazines.

Discuss the structure of a persuasive essay, which typically includes an introduction, body paragraphs with supporting evidence, and a conclusion. Use chart paper to create a visual representation of the essay structure.

Step 2: Choosing a Topic (1 class session)

Have a class discussion about potential persuasive essay topics. Encourage students to choose topics they feel strongly about and that are relevant to their lives. Write down their ideas on chart paper.

Once the class has generated a list of topics, have each student choose one topic they would like to write about. Remind them that they should choose a topic they can support with evidence and arguments.

Step 3: Research and Gathering Evidence (2-3 class sessions)

Explain to students the importance of conducting research to gather evidence to support their arguments. If possible, provide access to computers or tablets for online research. Alternatively, provide books or articles related to their chosen topics.

Guide students in finding reliable sources and taking notes on key points and evidence that support their arguments. Remind them to record the source of each piece of evidence for proper citation later.

Step 4: Writing the Essay (3-4 class sessions)

Review the structure of a persuasive essay with the class. Discuss the importance of a clear thesis statement that states the author's opinion and the main points they will use to support their argument.

Guide students in organizing their thoughts and evidence into an outline. Encourage them to use transitional words and phrases to connect their ideas and make their writing flow smoothly.

Provide time for students to write their first drafts. Circulate the classroom to provide individual support and guidance as needed.

Step 5: Peer Editing and Revision (2 class sessions)

Pair students up and have them exchange their essays for peer editing. Provide a checklist or rubric for students to use as they review their partner's essay. Encourage constructive feedback and suggestions for improvement.

After peer editing, give students time to revise and make changes to their essays based on the feedback they received. Emphasize the importance of clarity, coherence, and proper grammar and punctuation.

Step 6: Finalizing the Essay (1 class session)

Have students write their final drafts, incorporating any revisions they made. Encourage them to pay attention to the introduction and conclusion, ensuring they effectively grab the reader's attention and leave a lasting impression.

Step 7: Sharing and Reflection (1 class session)

Provide an opportunity for students to share their essays with the class. They can read them aloud or display them on a bulletin board or classroom website. Encourage students to reflect on their writing process and the challenges they faced.


Assess students' understanding and application of persuasive writing techniques through the following methods:

  • Reviewing students' outlines and notes to ensure they have gathered sufficient evidence to support their arguments
  • Reviewing students' first drafts to assess their ability to structure their essays and use persuasive techniques
  • Reviewing students' final drafts to evaluate their revisions and improvements
  • Observing students' participation in class discussions and group work

Provide feedback to students throughout the writing process, highlighting their strengths and areas for improvement. Encourage self-reflection and goal-setting for future writing assignments.

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15 months ago
Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts - Writing Standards for Grade 5

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