Exploring Media: A First Grade Adventure
Engage your first-grade students in a fun and interactive project that introduces them to the world of media studies.
Exploring Media: A First Grade Adventure
Title: Exploring Media: A First Grade Adventure
Compliance: Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts (CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.1.2)
Subject: Media Studies
Summary: Engage your first-grade students in a fun and interactive project that introduces them to the world of media studies.
Topic: Introduction to Media Studies
Learning Outcomes:
- Know the different types of media (e.g., books, television, internet)
- Understand the purpose of media in our daily lives
- Create a simple media project
This project will involve a combination of class discussions, hands-on activities, and creative expression.
Resources/Materials Required:
- Books, magazines, or newspapers
- Television or computer with internet access
- Art supplies (paper, markers, crayons, glue, scissors)
1. Begin by discussing with your students what media is and the different types they encounter in their daily lives. Show examples of books, television shows, and websites.
2. Ask students to share their favorite books, TV shows, or websites and explain why they enjoy them.
3. Introduce the concept of media's purpose, such as entertaining, informing, or persuading. Discuss examples of each purpose.
4. Divide the class into small groups and provide each group with a different type of media (e.g., books, television, internet).
5. In their groups, ask students to brainstorm and create a simple project that represents their assigned type of media. For example, they can create a poster advertising a favorite book, act out a scene from a TV show, or design a webpage for a fictional website.
6. Provide art supplies and encourage students to be creative in their projects. Assist them as needed.
7. Once the projects are complete, have each group present their work to the class. Ask them to explain how their project represents their assigned type of media and its purpose.
Assess students' understanding through the following:
- Observation during class discussions and group work
- Reviewing the completed projects and evaluating their alignment with the assigned type of media and purpose
By the end of this activity, students should:
- Know: The different types of media and their purposes
- Understand: How media influences our daily lives
- Can do: Create a simple media project that represents a specific type of media