Exploring Shapes and Patterns

Engage your third-grade students in a hands-on activity that explores shapes and patterns while reinforcing key mathematical concepts.

Mathematics - 3rd

Exploring Shapes and Patterns

Title: Exploring Shapes and Patterns

Compliance: Common Core State Standards for Mathematics

Subject: Mathematics

Summary: Engage your third-grade students in a hands-on activity that explores shapes and patterns while reinforcing key mathematical concepts.

Topic: Shapes and Patterns

Learning Outcomes:

  • Identify and describe two-dimensional shapes
  • Recognize and extend patterns
  • Apply knowledge of shapes and patterns to solve problems


This activity will involve a combination of whole-class instruction, small group work, and individual exploration. Students will engage in hands-on activities, discussions, and problem-solving tasks to deepen their understanding of shapes and patterns.


  • Chart paper and markers
  • Various two-dimensional shapes (e.g., squares, rectangles, triangles, circles)
  • Pattern blocks or tangrams
  • Pattern cards (optional)
  • Scissors and glue
  • Pattern worksheets



Begin the lesson by displaying different two-dimensional shapes on chart paper. Ask students to identify and describe each shape, discussing their properties (e.g., number of sides, angles). Encourage students to share real-life examples of these shapes.


Provide students with pattern blocks or tangrams and ask them to create different patterns using the shapes. Encourage them to explain their patterns and identify any repeating elements. You can also use pattern cards to provide additional guidance and challenge.


Lead a class discussion on patterns, emphasizing the concept of repetition and the importance of identifying and extending patterns. Discuss how patterns can be found in various contexts, such as numbers, shapes, and even everyday objects.


Provide students with pattern worksheets or ask them to create their own patterns using cut-out shapes. Encourage them to extend the patterns and explain the rules they used to create them.


Assess students' understanding by observing their participation in discussions, their ability to identify and describe shapes, and their success in creating and extending patterns. You can also use the pattern worksheets to assess their application of the concepts.


Wrap up the activity by summarizing the key concepts covered and highlighting the importance of shapes and patterns in mathematics. Encourage students to continue exploring and identifying patterns in their everyday lives.

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