Exploring the Solar System: A Journey through Space

Engage your seventh-grade students in an exciting and interactive project that explores the solar system, covering topics such as the planets, their characteristics, and their relationship to the Sun.

Science - 7th

Exploring the Solar System: A Journey through Space

Title: Exploring the Solar System: A Journey through Space

Compliance: NGSS, Common Core State Standards

Subject: Science

Summary: Engage your seventh-grade students in an exciting and interactive project that explores the solar system, covering topics such as the planets, their characteristics, and their relationship to the Sun.

Topic: Exploring the Solar System

Learning Outcomes:

  • Know the order of the planets in the solar system
  • Understand the characteristics of each planet
  • Can create a model of the solar system


This project will involve a combination of research, hands-on activities, and creative expression to enhance students' understanding of the solar system.

Resources/Materials Required:

  • Textbooks or online resources about the solar system
  • Art supplies (colored paper, markers, glue, scissors)
  • Access to a computer or tablet for research
  • Optional: Access to a printer for printing images of the planets


1. Begin the project by introducing the solar system to the students. Discuss the order of the planets, their characteristics, and their relationship to the Sun. Use textbooks or online resources to provide information and engage students in a class discussion.

2. Divide the students into small groups and assign each group a planet from the solar system.

3. Instruct the students to conduct research on their assigned planet. They should gather information about the planet's size, composition, atmosphere, moons (if any), and any other interesting facts. Encourage them to use reliable sources and take notes.

4. Once the research is complete, have the students create a visual representation of their assigned planet using art supplies. They can use colored paper, markers, glue, and scissors to craft a model of the planet. Alternatively, they can use a computer or tablet to create a digital representation.

5. After the models are complete, have each group present their planet to the class. They should share the information they gathered during their research and explain the unique characteristics of their planet.

6. As a class, create a collaborative model of the solar system. Use a large poster board or a designated wall space to arrange the planets in the correct order, with the Sun at the center. Students can take turns placing their planet models in the appropriate positions.

7. Encourage students to ask questions and engage in discussions about the solar system as they work on the project. Foster a collaborative and supportive learning environment.


To assess students' understanding of the solar system, you can use the following methods:

  • Oral presentations: Evaluate the accuracy and clarity of the information presented by each group during their planet presentations.
  • Model assessment: Assess the quality and accuracy of the planet models created by the students. Look for attention to detail and adherence to the known characteristics of each planet.
  • Class participation: Observe students' engagement and active participation during class discussions and collaborative activities.

By the end of this project, students should have a solid understanding of the solar system, including the order of the planets, their characteristics, and their relationship to the Sun. They will also have developed research skills, creativity, and presentation skills.

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