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Visual Arts - 1st

Exploring Colors in Visual Arts

Title: Exploring Colors in Visual Arts

Compliance: Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts and Mathematics

Subject: Visual Arts

Summary: This first-grade lesson introduces students to the world of colors in visual arts, allowing them to explore and experiment with different hues, shades, and tints.

Topic: Colors in Visual Arts

Learning Outcomes:

  • Know the primary colors and how they can be mixed to create secondary colors.
  • Understand the concepts of hue, shade, and tint.
  • Create artwork using different colors and techniques.


This lesson will be taught through a combination of teacher-led discussions, hands-on activities, and creative art projects. The students will actively participate in the learning process, allowing them to develop their artistic skills and understanding of colors.

Resources/Materials Required:

  • Color wheel
  • Paints (primary colors: red, blue, yellow; secondary colors: green, orange, purple)
  • Paintbrushes
  • Water containers
  • White paper
  • Coloring pencils
  • Scissors
  • Glue


Introduction (10 minutes):

Begin the lesson by showing the students a color wheel and explaining the primary colors (red, blue, and yellow). Discuss how these colors are the building blocks for all other colors.

Activity 1 - Mixing Colors (20 minutes):

Provide each student with a color wheel and a set of paints. Instruct them to mix the primary colors to create secondary colors. Encourage them to experiment and observe the changes in color as they mix different combinations.

Activity 2 - Exploring Hue, Shade, and Tint (20 minutes):

Show the students examples of artwork that demonstrate different hues, shades, and tints. Explain the concepts and ask the students to identify the colors used. Provide them with coloring pencils and ask them to create their own artwork using different hues, shades, and tints.

Activity 3 - Creating a Color Collage (30 minutes):

Divide the students into small groups and provide them with magazines, scissors, glue, and white paper. Instruct them to cut out pictures of objects with different colors and create a color collage. Encourage them to discuss the colors they choose and why.

Conclusion (10 minutes):

Wrap up the lesson by having a class discussion about the different colors they explored and the artwork they created. Ask them to share their favorite part of the lesson and what they learned about colors in visual arts.


Assess the students' understanding of the lesson through observation during the activities and discussions. Additionally, collect their artwork and collages to review their ability to apply the concepts of colors, hues, shades, and tints.

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12 months ago
Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts and Mathematics

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