Exploring the Wonders of the World: A Geography Adventure

Engage your sixth-grade students in an exciting and interactive project that explores the wonders of the world, enhancing their understanding of geography.

Geography - 6th

Exploring the Wonders of the World: A Geography Adventure

Title: Exploring the Wonders of the World: A Geography Adventure

Compliance: Common Core State Standards for Geography

Subject: Geography

Summary: Engage your sixth-grade students in an exciting and interactive project that explores the wonders of the world, enhancing their understanding of geography.

Topic: Wonders of the World

Learning Outcomes:

  • Know the locations and characteristics of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World and the New Seven Wonders of the World.
  • Understand the historical and cultural significance of each wonder.
  • Can create a multimedia presentation showcasing one of the wonders.


This project will be conducted over a span of two weeks and will involve both individual and group work. Students will research and explore the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World and the New Seven Wonders of the World using various resources, including books, websites, and videos. They will then create a multimedia presentation to showcase one of the wonders.


  • Books about the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World and the New Seven Wonders of the World
  • Computers with internet access
  • Projector and screen
  • Art supplies for creating visual aids (optional)


Day 1-2: Introduce the project by discussing the concept of wonders of the world. Show students images and videos of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World and the New Seven Wonders of the World. Discuss their historical and cultural significance. Provide each student with a list of the wonders.

Day 3-4: Instruct students to choose one wonder from the list to research. They should gather information about its location, history, architecture, and cultural importance. Encourage them to use a variety of resources, including books and reliable websites.

Day 5-6: Have students organize their research and create an outline for their multimedia presentation. They should decide on the format of their presentation, such as a slideshow, video, or interactive website.

Day 7-9: Allow students time to work on their multimedia presentations. Provide guidance and support as needed. Encourage creativity and the use of visuals, such as images, maps, and videos.

Day 10-11: Give students an opportunity to practice and refine their presentations. They should focus on clarity, organization, and engaging content.

Day 12-13: Provide a platform for students to present their multimedia projects to the class. Each student should explain the chosen wonder, its significance, and the key information they discovered during their research.

Day 14: Reflect on the project as a class. Discuss the most interesting facts learned and the challenges faced during the research and presentation process. Encourage students to ask questions and engage in a meaningful discussion.


Assessment will be based on the following criteria:

  • Accuracy and depth of research
  • Organization and clarity of the multimedia presentation
  • Ability to effectively communicate the historical and cultural significance of the chosen wonder
  • Active participation during the presentation of projects

Provide students with a rubric outlining the assessment criteria prior to starting the project.

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