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Media Studies - 9th

Exploring Media Bias: Analyzing News Articles

Title: Exploring Media Bias: Analyzing News Articles

Compliance: Common Core State Standards (CCSS)

Subject: Media Studies

Summary: This activity engages ninth-grade students in critically analyzing news articles to understand media bias and develop media literacy skills.

Topic: Media Bias and Media Literacy

Learning Outcomes:

  • Know the concept of media bias and its impact on society.
  • Understand the importance of media literacy in evaluating news sources.
  • Can analyze news articles for bias and identify persuasive techniques used.


This activity will be conducted over several class periods and will involve both individual and group work. The steps involved are as follows:

  1. Introduce the concept of media bias and its impact on society through a class discussion. Use examples from current events to illustrate different types of bias.
  2. Provide students with a selection of news articles from various sources, both mainstream and alternative. Ensure that the articles cover a range of topics and perspectives.
  3. Explain the criteria for analyzing bias, such as word choice, tone, use of sources, and omission of information. Provide students with a checklist or rubric to guide their analysis.
  4. Assign each student a news article to analyze individually. They should read the article, take notes, and complete the analysis using the provided checklist or rubric.
  5. Form small groups and have students discuss their findings. Encourage them to compare and contrast the biases they identified in their articles.
  6. As a class, discuss the different biases identified and the persuasive techniques used in the articles. Facilitate a debate on the impact of media bias on public opinion.
  7. Conclude the activity by having students reflect on their own media consumption habits and the importance of media literacy in today's society.

Resources/Materials Required:

  • A selection of news articles from various sources
  • Checklist or rubric for analyzing bias
  • Classroom whiteboard or projector for class discussions


Follow these steps to implement the activity:

  1. Introduce the concept of media bias and its impact on society through a class discussion. Use examples from current events to illustrate different types of bias.
  2. Provide students with a selection of news articles from various sources, both mainstream and alternative. Ensure that the articles cover a range of topics and perspectives.
  3. Explain the criteria for analyzing bias, such as word choice, tone, use of sources, and omission of information. Provide students with a checklist or rubric to guide their analysis.
  4. Assign each student a news article to analyze individually. They should read the article, take notes, and complete the analysis using the provided checklist or rubric.
  5. Form small groups and have students discuss their findings. Encourage them to compare and contrast the biases they identified in their articles.
  6. As a class, discuss the different biases identified and the persuasive techniques used in the articles. Facilitate a debate on the impact of media bias on public opinion.
  7. Conclude the activity by having students reflect on their own media consumption habits and the importance of media literacy in today's society.


Assess the students' understanding and application of media literacy skills through the following methods:

  • Individual analysis of news articles using the provided checklist or rubric.
  • Group discussions and participation in the class debate on media bias.
  • Reflection on personal media consumption habits and the importance of media literacy.

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9 months ago
Common Core State Standards (CCSS)

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