Exploring the World of Drama: Creating and Performing a Play

Engage your students in the world of drama by guiding them through the process of creating and performing their own play.

Drama - Adult

Exploring the World of Drama: Creating and Performing a Play

Title: Exploring the World of Drama: Creating and Performing a Play

Compliance: Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts (CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.9-10.7)

Subject: Drama

Summary: Engage your students in the world of drama by guiding them through the process of creating and performing their own play.

Topic: Creating and Performing a Play

Learning Outcomes:

  • Students will understand the elements of a play, including plot, characters, setting, and dialogue.
  • Students will be able to analyze and interpret dramatic texts.
  • Students will collaborate effectively in groups to create a play.
  • Students will develop their acting skills and stage presence.
  • Students will demonstrate their understanding of the playwriting and performance process through the creation and performance of their own play.


This project will be conducted over several weeks and will involve a combination of individual and group work. The methodology includes:

  • Class discussions and analysis of various plays to understand the elements of drama.
  • Brainstorming and selecting a theme or topic for the play.
  • Developing characters, plot, and dialogue through collaborative writing exercises.
  • Rehearsing and refining the play through acting workshops and feedback sessions.
  • Designing and creating props, costumes, and set pieces.
  • Performing the play for an audience, such as fellow students, parents, or other classes.

Resources/Materials Required:

  • A selection of plays for analysis and inspiration.
  • Writing materials, including paper, pens, and markers.
  • Access to a performance space, such as a classroom or school auditorium.
  • Props, costumes, and set materials (can be sourced from recycled materials or borrowed from other sources).
  • Audiovisual equipment for recording and documenting the performance (optional).


1. Begin by introducing the concept of drama and discussing the elements of a play. Show examples of different types of plays and engage students in a class discussion about their observations.

2. Brainstorm potential themes or topics for the play. Encourage students to think creatively and consider their own interests and experiences.

3. Divide the class into small groups and assign each group a theme or topic. Instruct them to develop characters, plot, and dialogue based on their assigned theme or topic. Provide guidance and support as needed.

4. Once the groups have completed their initial drafts, have them share their work with the class. Facilitate a feedback session where students can provide constructive criticism and suggestions for improvement.

5. After receiving feedback, instruct the groups to revise and refine their plays. Encourage them to incorporate the feedback and make necessary changes to enhance the quality of their work.

6. While the groups are working on their scripts, introduce acting workshops to help students develop their acting skills and stage presence. Focus on techniques such as voice projection, body language, and character development.

7. As the performance date approaches, guide the groups in designing and creating props, costumes, and set pieces. Encourage them to be resourceful and use recycled materials whenever possible.

8. Schedule a rehearsal day where each group can practice their play in the performance space. Provide feedback and guidance to help them improve their performances.

9. Finally, organize a performance day where each group will present their play to an audience. Invite fellow students, parents, or other classes to attend the performance. Consider recording the performances for documentation purposes.


Assessment will be based on the following criteria:

  • Understanding and application of the elements of drama in the creation of the play.
  • Collaboration and effective communication within the group.
  • Quality of the script, including plot development, character depth, and engaging dialogue.
  • Acting skills and stage presence during the performance.
  • Design and execution of props, costumes, and set pieces.

Consider using a rubric to assess each criterion and provide feedback to the students.

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