Exploring the World of Visual Arts: Creating a Collage

This activity engages eighth-grade students in the world of visual arts by creating a collage. Students will explore various artistic techniques and concepts while expressing their creativity.

Visual Arts - 8th

Exploring the World of Visual Arts: Creating a Collage

Title: Exploring the World of Visual Arts: Creating a Collage

Compliance: Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts and Visual Arts

Subject: Visual Arts

Summary: This activity engages eighth-grade students in the world of visual arts by creating a collage. Students will explore various artistic techniques and concepts while expressing their creativity.

Topic: Creating a Collage

Learning Outcomes:

  • Know the basic elements and principles of visual arts
  • Understand how to use different artistic techniques and materials
  • Create a visually appealing and meaningful collage


This activity will be conducted over several class periods to allow students enough time to explore and experiment with different techniques and materials. The following steps outline the process:

  1. Introduction to Collage: Begin by introducing the concept of collage and its significance in the world of visual arts. Discuss famous collage artists and their works.
  2. Elements and Principles: Review the basic elements and principles of visual arts, such as line, shape, color, texture, balance, and unity. Discuss how these elements and principles can be applied in collage making.
  3. Exploration of Materials: Provide a variety of materials for students to choose from, such as magazines, newspapers, colored papers, fabric scraps, buttons, and ribbons. Encourage students to bring in additional materials from home.
  4. Techniques and Composition: Demonstrate different collage techniques, such as tearing, cutting, layering, and overlapping. Discuss composition and how to create a visually balanced and cohesive collage.
  5. Theme and Meaning: Encourage students to select a theme or concept for their collage. Discuss how they can convey meaning and tell a story through their artwork.
  6. Creation of Collage: Allow students ample time to create their collages. Provide guidance and support as needed, encouraging experimentation and creativity.
  7. Presentation and Reflection: Once the collages are complete, have students present their artwork to the class. Encourage them to explain their theme, artistic choices, and the meaning behind their collage. Facilitate a class discussion on the different approaches and interpretations.

Resources/Materials Required:

  • Magazines, newspapers, colored papers, fabric scraps, buttons, ribbons, and other collage materials
  • Scissors, glue sticks, and other adhesive materials
  • Poster boards or large sheets of paper for the collages
  • Optional: Cameras or smartphones for students to document their creative process


Follow these instructions to conduct the collage activity:

  1. Introduce the activity to the students, explaining the learning outcomes and the steps involved.
  2. Provide a brief overview of collage and its significance in the world of visual arts.
  3. Review the basic elements and principles of visual arts, relating them to collage making.
  4. Show examples of famous collage artworks and discuss their techniques and themes.
  5. Provide a variety of collage materials for students to choose from.
  6. Demonstrate different collage techniques and discuss composition.
  7. Encourage students to select a theme or concept for their collage.
  8. Allow students ample time to create their collages, providing guidance and support as needed.
  9. Once the collages are complete, have students present their artwork to the class.
  10. Facilitate a class discussion on the different approaches and interpretations.


Assess the students' learning and understanding through the following methods:

  • Observation: Observe students' engagement, creativity, and application of artistic techniques during the collage-making process.
  • Collage Presentation: Evaluate students' ability to explain their theme, artistic choices, and the meaning behind their collage during the presentation.
  • Reflection: Assign a written reflection where students discuss their experience, challenges faced, and lessons learned during the collage activity.

By the end of this activity, students should:

  • Know the basic elements and principles of visual arts
  • Understand how to use different artistic techniques and materials
  • Create a visually appealing and meaningful collage
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