Exploring the Human Body: The Digestive System
Engage seventh-grade students in a hands-on activity to explore the organs and functions of the digestive system.
Health Education - 7th
Exploring the Human Body: The Digestive System
Learning Outcomes:
- Know the main organs and functions of the digestive system
- Understand the process of digestion
- Can explain the importance of a healthy diet for proper digestion
This activity will involve a combination of hands-on exploration, group discussions, and multimedia resources.
- Poster paper and markers
- Printed diagrams of the digestive system
- Access to a computer or tablet with internet
- Various food items (e.g., crackers, fruits, vegetables)
- Begin the activity by discussing the importance of the digestive system and its role in our overall health.
- Divide the students into small groups and provide each group with a printed diagram of the digestive system.
- Ask the students to label the different organs on the diagram and discuss their functions.
- Next, have the students create a large poster illustrating the digestive system. They can use the printed diagrams as a reference and include labels and descriptions of each organ.
- Once the posters are complete, have each group present their work to the class, explaining the functions of each organ.
- After the presentations, introduce the concept of digestion and the different stages involved (ingestion, digestion, absorption, and elimination).
- Using a computer or tablet, show the students an interactive animation or video that demonstrates the process of digestion.
- Following the multimedia presentation, distribute various food items to each group.
- Ask the students to discuss and predict how each food item will be digested and which organs will be involved.
- Finally, have the students share their predictions with the class and compare them to the actual process of digestion.
To assess the students' understanding, provide them with a worksheet or quiz that includes questions about the organs of the digestive system, the process of digestion, and the importance of a healthy diet. You can also evaluate their group presentations and participation during the activity.