Exploring the Wonders of the Solar System

Engage your pre-kindergarten students in a fun and interactive activity that introduces them to the wonders of the solar system.

Science - Pre-K

Exploring the Wonders of the Solar System

Subject: Science

Summary: Engage your pre-kindergarten students in a fun and interactive activity that introduces them to the wonders of the solar system.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Know the names of the eight planets in our solar system
  • Understand the concept of the sun as the center of our solar system
  • Can identify and describe basic characteristics of each planet


This activity will involve a combination of storytelling, hands-on crafts, and interactive discussions to engage the students in learning about the solar system.

Resources/Materials Required:

  • Picture books about the solar system
  • Construction paper
  • Glue sticks
  • Scissors
  • Markers or crayons
  • Printed images of the planets


1. Begin the activity by gathering the students in a circle and introducing the topic of the solar system. Show them a picture book that provides an overview of the planets.

2. Engage the students in a discussion about what they already know about the solar system. Ask questions like:

- What is the sun?

- Can you name any planets?

- What do you think the planets are like?

3. After the discussion, distribute the construction paper, glue sticks, scissors, and markers or crayons to each student.

4. Show the students printed images of the planets and guide them in cutting out circles from the construction paper to represent each planet.

5. Help the students glue the planet cut-outs onto a larger piece of construction paper in the order they are positioned in the solar system.

6. As the students work on their crafts, provide additional information about each planet, such as their names, colors, and basic characteristics. Encourage the students to decorate their planet cut-outs accordingly.

7. Once the crafts are completed, gather the students together again and have each student present their planet to the class. Encourage them to share what they have learned about their planet.


To assess the students' understanding, ask them questions about the solar system during the craft activity and their planet presentations. Observe their ability to identify and describe the planets, as well as their engagement and participation throughout the activity.

Compliance Standards:

This activity aligns with the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) for pre-kindergarten, specifically in the area of Earth and Space Sciences.

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