Engaging Writing Activity: Creating a Digital Magazine

This activity will allow students to explore their creativity and develop their writing skills by creating a digital magazine on a topic of their choice.

English Language Arts - 9th

Engaging Writing Activity: Creating a Digital Magazine

Title: Creating a Digital Magazine

Compliance: Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts (CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.9-10.4)

Subject: English Language Arts

Summary: This activity will allow students to explore their creativity and develop their writing skills by creating a digital magazine on a topic of their choice.

Topic: Writing

Learning Outcomes:

  • Develop effective writing skills
  • Enhance creativity and critical thinking
  • Practice digital literacy and technology skills
  • Collaborate and communicate effectively


This activity will be conducted over a series of class sessions and will involve both individual and group work. Students will use technology tools to create a digital magazine on a topic of their choice. They will research, write, design, and publish their magazine using appropriate software or online platforms.

Resources/Materials Required:

  • Computers or laptops with internet access
  • Software or online platforms for creating digital magazines (e.g., Adobe InDesign, Canva, Lucidpress, FlipHTML5)
  • Research materials (books, articles, websites)
  • Art supplies for designing magazine covers (optional)


  1. Introduce the concept of digital magazines and discuss their purpose, audience, and features.
  2. Brainstorm potential topics for the magazines and guide students in selecting a topic that aligns with their interests and the curriculum.
  3. Provide guidance on conducting research and gathering relevant information for their chosen topic.
  4. Teach students how to write engaging articles, create captivating headlines, and design visually appealing layouts.
  5. Introduce the selected software or online platform for creating digital magazines and provide tutorials or resources for students to learn how to use it effectively.
  6. Allow students time to work on their magazines, providing support and feedback as needed.
  7. Encourage collaboration and peer review by having students exchange drafts of their articles and provide constructive feedback.
  8. Guide students in finalizing their magazines, including proofreading, editing, and designing the cover page.
  9. Organize a magazine showcase where students can present their digital magazines to the class or publish them online for a wider audience.


Assessment will be based on the following criteria:

  • Quality of writing (clarity, coherence, grammar, vocabulary)
  • Creativity and originality of content
  • Design and layout of the magazine
  • Effective use of technology tools
  • Collaboration and communication with peers

Students can be assessed through a combination of self-assessment, peer assessment, and teacher assessment using rubrics or checklists.

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