Exploring Our Community: Understanding Local Government

This activity aims to introduce third-grade students to the concept of local government and its role in our community.

Civics - 3rd

Exploring Our Community: Understanding Local Government

Title: Exploring Our Community: Understanding Local Government

Compliance: Common Core State Standards for Social Studies - Grade 3

Subject: Civics

Summary: This activity aims to introduce third-grade students to the concept of local government and its role in our community. Through engaging discussions, interactive exercises, and a hands-on project, students will gain a deeper understanding of how local government works and its impact on their daily lives.

Topic: Local Government and Civic Responsibility

Learning Outcomes:

  • Identify the purpose and functions of local government
  • Understand the roles and responsibilities of local government officials
  • Recognize the importance of civic participation in local government
  • Develop an awareness of how local government affects their community


This activity will be conducted over a series of lessons, combining whole-class discussions, group work, and a hands-on project. The lessons will be designed to be interactive and engaging, encouraging active participation from students.

Resources/Materials Required:

  • Whiteboard or blackboard
  • Markers or chalk
  • Chart paper and markers
  • Printed images of local government buildings and officials
  • Art supplies (colored pencils, markers, construction paper, glue, scissors)
  • Access to a computer or tablet with internet


Lesson 1: Introduction to Local Government

Objective: Students will understand the purpose and functions of local government.

  1. Begin the lesson by asking students what they think local government is and why it is important.
  2. Write their responses on the board and facilitate a class discussion to clarify any misconceptions.
  3. Show printed images of local government buildings and officials. Ask students to identify these images and discuss their roles and responsibilities.
  4. Introduce key vocabulary terms such as mayor, city council, and local laws. Write these terms on the board and explain their meanings.
  5. Divide the class into small groups and provide each group with chart paper and markers.
  6. Ask each group to create a poster illustrating the functions of local government. Encourage creativity and collaboration.
  7. After completing their posters, have each group present their work to the class. Facilitate a discussion on the different functions of local government.

Lesson 2: Roles and Responsibilities of Local Government Officials

Objective: Students will understand the roles and responsibilities of local government officials.

  1. Review the key vocabulary terms introduced in the previous lesson.
  2. Provide students with printed images of local government officials.
  3. Ask students to match each official with their respective roles and responsibilities.
  4. Facilitate a class discussion to ensure understanding and address any questions or misconceptions.
  5. Divide the class into pairs and assign each pair a local government official.
  6. Ask each pair to research their assigned official using a computer or tablet with internet access.
  7. Have each pair present their findings to the class, highlighting the roles and responsibilities of their assigned official.

Lesson 3: Civic Participation in Local Government

Objective: Students will recognize the importance of civic participation in local government.

  1. Begin the lesson by discussing the concept of civic participation and why it is important for a community.
  2. Ask students to brainstorm ways in which they can participate in their local government.
  3. Write their ideas on the board and facilitate a class discussion on the importance of active citizenship.
  4. Introduce the concept of voting and its role in local government decision-making.
  5. Organize a mock election in the classroom, allowing students to vote for a class representative.
  6. Discuss the election process and the importance of everyone's voice being heard.

Hands-on Project: Design Your Own Local Government Building

Objective: Students will apply their understanding of local government by designing their own local government building.

  1. Provide each student with art supplies (colored pencils, markers, construction paper, glue, scissors).
  2. Ask students to imagine they are architects and design their own local government building.
  3. Encourage creativity and remind students to incorporate elements that represent the functions of local government.
  4. Allow students time to complete their designs.
  5. Invite students to present their designs to the class, explaining the features and functions of their buildings.


To assess students' understanding of the topic, the following methods can be used:

  • Observation during class discussions and group work
  • Review of the posters created in Lesson 1
  • Participation in the research and presentation of local government officials in Lesson 2
  • Active participation in the mock election and class discussion in Lesson 3
  • Evaluation of the design and presentation of the local government building project

By the end of this activity, students should:

  • Know: The purpose and functions of local government, the roles and responsibilities of local government officials, and the importance of civic participation in local government.
  • Understand: How local government affects their community and the significance of active citizenship.
  • Can do: Design their own local government building, explain the functions of local government, and participate in a mock election.
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