Exploring Media: Creating a Class Newspaper
This activity engages kindergarteners in exploring media by creating their own class newspaper, fostering creativity, communication, and critical thinking skills.
Exploring Media: Creating a Class Newspaper
Title: Exploring Media: Creating a Class Newspaper
Compliance: Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts (CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.K.2, CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.K.3, CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.K.6)
Subject: Media Studies
Summary: This activity engages kindergarteners in exploring media by creating their own class newspaper, fostering creativity, communication, and critical thinking skills.
Topic: Creating a Class Newspaper
Learning Outcomes:
- Know the purpose and components of a newspaper
- Understand the role of media in society
- Can create and share news stories using various media
This activity will be conducted over a series of sessions, allowing students to explore different aspects of creating a class newspaper. The methodology includes:
- Introduction to newspapers and their purpose
- Brainstorming and selecting news topics
- Interviewing classmates and gathering information
- Creating news stories and headlines
- Designing and illustrating the newspaper
- Sharing and presenting the class newspaper
Resources/Materials Required:
- Newspapers or newspaper samples
- Writing materials (pencils, markers, crayons)
- Art supplies (colored paper, glue, scissors)
- Cameras or tablets for taking pictures (optional)
Session 1: Introduction to Newspapers
1. Show students different newspapers or newspaper samples, discussing their purpose and components (headlines, articles, pictures, etc.).
2. Engage students in a class discussion about the role of newspapers in society, emphasizing the importance of sharing news and information.
Session 2: Brainstorming and Selecting News Topics
1. Facilitate a brainstorming session where students suggest different news topics they would like to cover in their class newspaper.
2. Help students select a few news topics that they find interesting and relevant to their classroom.
Session 3: Interviewing and Gathering Information
1. Explain the concept of interviews and how they help gather information for news stories.
2. Pair students up and encourage them to interview each other about the selected news topics.
3. Provide guidance and support as students conduct their interviews, helping them ask relevant questions.
Session 4: Creating News Stories and Headlines
1. Review the information gathered from the interviews and guide students in creating news stories based on the collected information.
2. Encourage students to come up with catchy headlines for their news stories.
Session 5: Designing and Illustrating the Newspaper
1. Provide students with colored paper, glue, scissors, and art supplies.
2. Instruct students to design and illustrate their newspaper, incorporating their news stories and headlines.
Session 6: Sharing and Presenting the Class Newspaper
1. Allow students to share their completed class newspaper with the rest of the class.
2. Encourage students to present their news stories and explain the process of creating the newspaper.
3. Display the class newspaper in the classroom or school hallway for others to see.