Exploring Literary Devices: A Creative Writing Project

This project engages ninth-grade students in exploring various literary devices through a creative writing activity.

English Language Arts - 9th

Exploring Literary Devices: A Creative Writing Project

Title: Exploring Literary Devices: A Creative Writing Project

Compliance: Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts (CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.9-10.4, CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.9-10.3, CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.9-10.1)

Subject: English Language Arts

Summary: This project engages ninth-grade students in exploring various literary devices through a creative writing activity.

Topic: Exploring Literary Devices through Creative Writing

Learning Outcomes:

  • Identify and analyze literary devices in a given text
  • Apply literary devices effectively in their own writing
  • Collaborate and provide constructive feedback to peers


This project will be conducted over a span of two weeks and will involve a combination of individual and group work. The students will be introduced to various literary devices through interactive discussions, examples from literature, and multimedia resources. They will then apply their understanding of these devices in a creative writing activity.

Resources/Materials Required:

  • Textbooks and supplementary reading materials
  • Writing materials (paper, pens, etc.)
  • Computers or tablets with internet access
  • Projector or interactive whiteboard
  • Printed handouts with literary device examples


Step 1: Introduction to Literary Devices (1 class period)

Begin the project by introducing the concept of literary devices to the students. Use examples from literature and multimedia resources to explain various devices such as simile, metaphor, personification, imagery, and symbolism. Engage the students in a discussion to ensure their understanding of these devices.

Step 2: Analyzing Literary Devices (2 class periods)

Provide the students with a short story or poem that contains multiple literary devices. In small groups, ask them to identify and analyze the devices used in the text. Encourage them to discuss the impact of these devices on the overall meaning and tone of the piece.

Step 3: Creative Writing Activity (4 class periods)

Now that the students have a solid understanding of literary devices, it's time for them to apply their knowledge in a creative writing activity. Divide the class into small groups and assign each group a different literary device. Instruct them to create a short story or poem that prominently features the assigned device. They should aim to effectively incorporate the device to enhance the overall impact of their writing.

Provide the students with ample time to brainstorm ideas, draft their writing, and revise it based on peer feedback. Encourage them to be creative and experiment with different literary devices.

Step 4: Peer Feedback and Revision (2 class periods)

Once the initial drafts are complete, have the groups exchange their work with another group. Instruct them to provide constructive feedback on how effectively the assigned literary device was used in the writing. Encourage students to offer suggestions for improvement and highlight the strengths of each piece.

After receiving feedback, allow the groups time to revise their writing based on the suggestions provided. Emphasize the importance of incorporating feedback to enhance their writing skills.

Step 5: Presentation and Reflection (1 class period)

Conclude the project by having each group present their final piece to the class. Encourage them to explain the literary device they focused on and how it contributed to the overall impact of their writing. After the presentations, facilitate a class discussion where students reflect on their learning experience and the challenges they faced during the project.


Assessment will be based on the following criteria:

  • Identification and analysis of literary devices in the given text
  • Effective incorporation of the assigned literary device in the creative writing piece
  • Quality of peer feedback provided and revisions made based on feedback
  • Clarity and creativity in the final presentation

Provide students with a rubric outlining the assessment criteria and expectations for each component of the project.

By the end of this project, students should:

  • Know: The definition and examples of various literary devices
  • Understand: How literary devices contribute to the meaning and tone of a text
  • Can do: Identify, analyze, and effectively incorporate literary devices in their own writing
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