Pre-Kindergarten Lesson on Health Education: Taking Care of Our Bodies

This pre-kindergarten lesson focuses on teaching young learners about the importance of taking care of their bodies through healthy habits and personal hygiene.

Health Education - Pre-K

Pre-Kindergarten Lesson on Health Education: Taking Care of Our Bodies

Title: Taking Care of Our Bodies

Compliance Standard: Health Education Standards for Pre-Kindergarten

Subject: Health Education

Summary: This pre-kindergarten lesson focuses on teaching young learners about the importance of taking care of their bodies through healthy habits and personal hygiene.

Topic: Health Education, Personal Hygiene, Healthy Habits

Learning Outcomes:

  • Know the importance of personal hygiene and healthy habits
  • Understand how to keep their bodies clean and healthy
  • Can demonstrate basic personal hygiene practices


This lesson will be delivered through a combination of interactive discussions, hands-on activities, and visual aids to engage and educate the students.

Resources/Materials Required:

  • Picture books about personal hygiene and healthy habits
  • Visual aids (e.g., posters, flashcards) depicting good hygiene practices
  • Handwashing station with soap and water
  • Art supplies for a craft activity


Introduction (5 minutes):

Begin the lesson by gathering the students in a circle and asking them questions to assess their prior knowledge about personal hygiene and healthy habits. Show them pictures of children engaging in different activities and ask them to identify which activities are healthy and which are not.

Main Lesson (15 minutes):

Read a picture book about personal hygiene and healthy habits, such as 'Germs Are Not for Sharing' by Elizabeth Verdick. Pause during the reading to ask questions and encourage discussion about the importance of keeping our bodies clean and healthy.

Show visual aids depicting good hygiene practices, such as brushing teeth, washing hands, and covering mouth while coughing or sneezing. Explain each practice and why it is important for our health.

Activity: Handwashing (10 minutes):

Lead the students to the handwashing station and demonstrate the proper way to wash hands. Guide them through the steps, emphasizing the importance of using soap and rubbing all parts of the hands for at least 20 seconds. Allow each student to practice handwashing under your supervision.

Activity: Craft (15 minutes):

Provide each student with a blank paper and art supplies. Instruct them to draw a picture of themselves engaging in a healthy activity, such as eating fruits or playing outside. Encourage creativity and remind them to include elements of personal hygiene in their drawings.

Closure (5 minutes):

Gather the students back in a circle and have them share their drawings with the class. Ask each student to explain what healthy activity they depicted and how it contributes to their overall health. Summarize the lesson by reinforcing the importance of personal hygiene and healthy habits.


Assess the students' understanding and ability to demonstrate basic personal hygiene practices through observation during the handwashing activity. Additionally, review their drawings to evaluate their comprehension of the lesson's key concepts.

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