Exploring Literary Devices: A Creative Writing Project

This project engages eighth-grade students in exploring various literary devices through a creative writing activity.

English Language Arts - 8th

Exploring Literary Devices: A Creative Writing Project

Title: Exploring Literary Devices: A Creative Writing Project

Compliance: Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts (CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.8.4, CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.8.5, CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.8.3, CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.8.4)

Subject: English Language Arts

Summary: This project engages eighth-grade students in exploring various literary devices through a creative writing activity.

Topic: Exploring Literary Devices through Creative Writing

Learning Outcomes:

  • Identify and analyze literary devices in a given text
  • Apply literary devices effectively in their own writing
  • Develop critical thinking and creativity skills
  • Enhance writing skills through practice and feedback


This project will be conducted over a span of two weeks and will involve a combination of individual and group work. The students will be introduced to various literary devices through interactive discussions, examples from literature, and multimedia resources. They will then apply their understanding of these devices in a creative writing activity.

Resources/Materials Required:

  • Textbooks and supplementary reading materials with examples of literary devices
  • Writing materials (paper, pens, pencils, etc.)
  • Computers or tablets with internet access for research and writing
  • Projector or interactive whiteboard for multimedia presentations


Step 1: Introduction to Literary Devices (2 days)

Begin by introducing the concept of literary devices to the students. Use examples from literature, such as similes, metaphors, personification, imagery, and symbolism, to explain each device. Engage the students in discussions and ask them to identify these devices in the given examples.

Provide additional examples and encourage students to brainstorm their own examples of literary devices.

Step 2: Research and Exploration (2 days)

Assign each student a specific literary device to research further. They should explore its definition, examples, and its purpose in literature. Students can use textbooks, online resources, and library materials for their research.

Encourage students to take notes and compile a list of examples for their chosen literary device.

Step 3: Creative Writing Activity (4 days)

Ask students to write a short story or poem that incorporates the literary device they researched. They should aim to effectively use the device to enhance their writing and convey their ideas.

Provide guidelines for the length and structure of the writing piece. Emphasize the importance of creativity, coherence, and clarity in their work.

Step 4: Peer Review and Feedback (2 days)

Organize a peer review session where students exchange their writing pieces and provide constructive feedback to their peers. Encourage them to focus on the effective use of the assigned literary device and overall writing quality.

Provide a feedback template or rubric to guide students in providing specific and helpful feedback.

Step 5: Reflection and Presentation (1 day)

Ask students to reflect on their learning experience throughout the project. They can write a short reflection piece or create a presentation summarizing their understanding of the literary device they explored and its significance in literature.

Allocate time for students to present their reflections or presentations to the class.


Assessment will be based on the following criteria:

  • Active participation in discussions and activities
  • Research and understanding of the assigned literary device
  • Effective incorporation of the literary device in the creative writing piece
  • Quality of writing (coherence, clarity, creativity)
  • Constructive feedback provided during the peer review session
  • Reflection piece or presentation summarizing their learning

Provide a rubric to students at the beginning of the project to clarify the assessment criteria.

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