Exploring Renewable Energy Sources

Engage ninth-grade students in an interactive project to explore renewable energy sources and their importance in environmental sustainability.

Environmental Studies - 9th

Exploring Renewable Energy Sources

Title: Exploring Renewable Energy Sources

Compliance: Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)

Subject: Environmental Studies

Summary: Engage ninth-grade students in an interactive project to explore renewable energy sources and their importance in environmental sustainability.

Topic: Renewable Energy Sources

Learning Outcomes:

  • Know the different types of renewable energy sources
  • Understand the benefits and challenges of using renewable energy
  • Can design and present a project on a specific renewable energy source


This project will involve a combination of research, group work, and presentations to enhance students' understanding of renewable energy sources. The project will be divided into the following steps:

Step 1: Introduction to Renewable Energy Sources (1 class period)

Begin the project by providing an overview of renewable energy sources, including solar, wind, hydro, geothermal, and biomass. Discuss the benefits and challenges associated with each source.

Step 2: Research and Group Work (2-3 class periods)

Divide students into groups and assign each group a specific renewable energy source to research. Provide resources such as textbooks, online articles, and videos to support their research. Students should gather information on how the energy source works, its availability, environmental impact, and potential applications.

Step 3: Project Design (1 class period)

Once the research is complete, students will design a project to showcase their assigned renewable energy source. They can choose from various options such as creating a model, designing a poster, or developing a multimedia presentation.

Step 4: Project Presentation (2-3 class periods)

Each group will present their project to the class, explaining the key features of their renewable energy source, its benefits, and potential challenges. Encourage students to use visuals, diagrams, and real-life examples to enhance their presentations.

Resources/Materials Required:

  • Textbooks on renewable energy
  • Access to online articles and videos
  • Art supplies for crafting (if applicable)
  • Computers or tablets for multimedia presentations


Follow these instructions to implement the project:

  1. Introduce the topic of renewable energy sources and discuss their importance in environmental sustainability.
  2. Divide students into groups and assign each group a specific renewable energy source to research.
  3. Provide resources for research and guide students in gathering relevant information.
  4. Allocate time for students to design their projects based on their research findings.
  5. Encourage creativity and critical thinking during the project design phase.
  6. Allocate time for each group to present their projects to the class.
  7. Assess students' understanding through their presentations and provide feedback.

By the end of this activity, students will have gained knowledge about different renewable energy sources, understood their benefits and challenges, and developed presentation skills.

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