Writing Workshop: Exploring the Art of Persuasive Writing
This writing workshop engages eleventh-grade students in exploring the art of persuasive writing through interactive activities and real-world examples.
Writing Workshop: Exploring the Art of Persuasive Writing
Title: Writing Workshop: Exploring the Art of Persuasive Writing
Compliance: Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts (CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.11-12.1-3)
Subject: English Language Arts
Summary: This writing workshop engages eleventh-grade students in exploring the art of persuasive writing through interactive activities and real-world examples.
Topic: Persuasive Writing
Learning Outcomes:
- Know the key elements of persuasive writing
- Understand the techniques used in persuasive writing
- Can write a persuasive essay effectively
This workshop will utilize a combination of teacher-led instruction, group discussions, individual writing exercises, and peer feedback sessions to engage students in the learning process.
Resources/Materials Required:
- Whiteboard or blackboard
- Markers or chalk
- Handouts with persuasive writing examples
- Writing prompts related to real-world issues
- Computers or tablets with internet access (optional)
Step 1: Introduction (15 minutes)
Begin the workshop by introducing the concept of persuasive writing and its importance in various aspects of life, such as advertising, politics, and social media. Discuss the key elements of persuasive writing, including:
- Clear thesis statement
- Logical reasoning
- Supporting evidence
- Counterarguments and rebuttals
- Emotional appeal
Step 2: Analyzing Persuasive Writing Examples (20 minutes)
Distribute handouts with persuasive writing examples from various sources, such as advertisements, opinion articles, and speeches. In small groups, ask students to analyze the examples and identify the persuasive techniques used. Encourage discussion and sharing of insights.
Step 3: Real-World Application (30 minutes)
Provide students with writing prompts related to real-world issues, such as climate change, social justice, or education reform. Instruct them to choose a side and write a persuasive essay supporting their position. Encourage students to incorporate the persuasive techniques discussed earlier.
Step 4: Peer Feedback (20 minutes)
Pair students up and ask them to exchange their essays. Instruct them to provide constructive feedback to each other, focusing on the effectiveness of persuasive techniques, clarity of arguments, and overall organization. Emphasize the importance of respectful and helpful feedback.
Step 5: Reflection and Discussion (15 minutes)
Conclude the workshop by facilitating a class discussion on the challenges and insights gained during the writing process. Encourage students to reflect on their own growth as persuasive writers and share any strategies they found helpful.
Assess the students' understanding and application of persuasive writing through the following:
- Reviewing the quality of their persuasive essays
- Observing their participation in group discussions and peer feedback sessions
- Conducting a brief oral presentation where students explain their persuasive techniques and arguments
By the end of this workshop, students should have a solid understanding of persuasive writing techniques and be able to effectively write persuasive essays on various topics.