Spelling Bee Bonanza!

Engage your sixth-grade students in a fun and interactive spelling activity that will enhance their spelling skills and vocabulary.

English Language Arts - 6th

Spelling Bee Bonanza!

Title: Spelling Bee Bonanza

Compliance: Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts - Grade 6

Subject: English Language Arts

Summary: Engage your sixth-grade students in a fun and interactive spelling activity that will enhance their spelling skills and vocabulary.

Topic: Spelling

Learning Outcomes:

  • Know and understand the spelling rules and patterns
  • Apply spelling strategies to improve accuracy
  • Expand vocabulary through spelling practice
  • Develop confidence in spelling and word recognition


This activity will involve a spelling bee competition where students will showcase their spelling skills in a fun and engaging way. The activity will be divided into three parts: preparation, competition, and reflection.

Resources/Materials Required:

  • Spelling word list
  • Whiteboard or blackboard
  • Markers or chalk
  • Timer
  • Prizes (optional)



  1. Introduce the spelling bee activity to the students and explain the rules and expectations.
  2. Provide the students with a spelling word list that includes words appropriate for their grade level.
  3. Encourage students to study and practice the words on the list.


  1. Divide the class into small groups or pairs.
  2. Set up a whiteboard or blackboard at the front of the classroom.
  3. Choose a student from each group to come to the front and participate in the spelling bee.
  4. Read out a word from the spelling word list.
  5. Start the timer and give the student 30 seconds to spell the word correctly.
  6. If the student spells the word correctly, they earn a point for their group. If they spell it incorrectly, the word goes to the next group.
  7. Continue the competition until all the words have been spelled or until a designated time limit is reached.


  1. After the competition, facilitate a discussion with the students about their experience.
  2. Ask them to reflect on the strategies they used to spell the words correctly.
  3. Encourage students to share any challenges they faced and how they overcame them.
  4. Discuss the importance of spelling and how it contributes to effective communication.


Assess the students' spelling skills based on their performance in the spelling bee competition. Additionally, you can assign a written reflection where students explain their spelling strategies and reflect on their learning experience.

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